The WHIS®stone applies the principle of diffraction in an innovative concrete element placed next to the road at ground level. The recommended drainage system also functions as the foundation, making installation quick and easy. In addition to that, the WHISstone remains fully effective throughout its entire life span (at least 30 years). This places the WHISstone’s life cycle cost 70 percent below that of silent asphalt.
The element is safe to drive across and simultaneously hardens the roadside, helping to prevent unilateral traffic accidents. The WHIS®stone only takes up 1 meter, and a system installed underneath the WHIS®stone provides proper drainage.
The WHIS®stone reduces traffic noise by 2.5 dB, or even 4 dB when using a double row. If you combine the WHIS®stone with existing measures like silent asphalt, you can add up the reductions, making a far greater noise reduction easy to achieve.
- Cost-effective noise reduction
- Quick and easy to install
- Durable noise reduction
Low and proven solutions for noise reduction
The noise reducing solutions 4Silence has developed are different from all current reducing measures. The WHIS® products can make the area around a (rail)road much quieter, while barely affecting the view. We achieve this by deflecting sound, directing troublesome sound waves upwards. How does that work? Find out in this video:
- Reduces noise while maintaining view
- Enables higher noise reduction
- Cheaper
- More durable
Three solutions for reducing noise
A concrete diffractor, placed directly next to the road at ground level, realizing a 2.5 dB noise reduction, equal to silent asphalt.
a combination of a low noise barrier and a weathering steel diffractor. That amounts to 1 meter in height, all in all. It achieves a 7 to 9 dB noise reduction, equal to a 3 meter regular noise barrier.
A lightweight aluminum diffractor, that can be mounted on most existing noise barriers. At only 0.2 meters in height, it’s good for a 4 to 5 dB reduction, equal to what you’d achieve by raising the barrier 2 meters.
WHIS® stone
- Behoud van uitzicht
- Reductie gelijk aan stil asfalt (2,5 dB)
- Blijvende reductie voor ten minste 30 jaar
- Met dubbele rij hogere reducties mogelijk
WHIS® wall
- Behoud van uitzicht
- Reductie gelijk aan 3 meter hoog geluidsscherm (7-9 dB)
Geen overlast tijdens bouw
WHIS® top
- Hoge geluidsreductie, zonder extra ophoging van bestaande schermen
- Ideaal voor extra geluidsreductie (4-5 dB) icm met (bestaand) geluidsscherm
- Eenvoudig te installeren
- Geen dure maatregelen nodig aan bestaande schermen